


a self-portrait studio

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We are excited to feature





Comic Halftone Dot
Comic Halftone Dot
Comic Halftone Dot
hanging polaroid frame
hanging polaroid frame


We showcase your shots.

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Meet klee.

The resident cat.

She’ll screech, she’ll scream, and she’ll steal your seat. Apology in advance if you see her in the studio.

She’ll meow to her heart’s content.

Meet Baste.

The cat next door.

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Meet our playful resident cat.

Turns into beast when eating treats.

Baste is a cute Siamese cat. We are still waiting to see him transform to his fullest color!

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Salām, Zivā.

The grumpy cat.

Don't fret when you meet her in the studio. See her with her best side eye.

Disclaimer. She is still a friendly Persian cat..

Boo-tastical Bella.

Treat her right through treats.

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Don't let her appearance lead you astray, this cat's tidy in every way.

A very elegant Persian-Siamese cat.

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H!, b3b3qu0h.

Surftown’s top-dog.

The French pup's delight? Lots of pets, he'll find just right.

You’ll surely ask “Who’s a good boy?” whenever you’ll meet him.

From Angel:

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“In the sea of life, friends are the waves of laughter and support that keep us afloat.”

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From Ace:

“In your touch, my heart finds its rescue.

In your voice, my heart sings 'I do.'

Let's paint time's canvas, forever us two.”

Yana & Friends:

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The besties from Elem ‘til now!

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King’s Primetime

King in her hüe dreams. The hüenderful package that she totally slayed.

Anjali’s blast from the past

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At the end of the day, we just wanna have fun.

Have questions?

Want to collaborate?

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email. hello@klikustudio.com

phone. +639193675476

address. national highway, urbiztondo,

san juan, la union, philippines 2514



